finding the foundation
The Carrboro High School football team is comprised of 33 players, six assistant coaches, and one head coach. Although 33 might seem like a big number, compared to other competitive teams in the North Carolina Mid-State 2A Football League. The team’s numbers were so small that Carrboro High School had to combine its JV and Varsity teams this year, 2019. In addition to being a small team, the Jags are underfunded in comparison to the other sports teams at Carrboro High School. However, through adversity, the Carrboro High School Jags still stand.
hangul lessons
For Korean Americans, it is easy to forget about Korean culture, especially when faced with microaggressions in society as they grow up. These microaggressions range from being looked down upon for eating “smelly” foods during lunch to taking shoes off inside the house. These days, some Koreans who were born in America are referred to as American Koreans because of how little they know about their own culture. However, parents attempt to combat this lack of culture by taking their kids to Korean school. Every Saturday, their kids learn how to read and write Korean and also about Korean culture
not a farm story
Sandra Vergara and her husband, Ted Domville bought Elodie Farms in 2016. Vergara is a full-time scientist at Duke University. Domville is a professional chef who primarily takes care of the goats during the week while Sandra is away. This is their not so traditional farm story.